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By Kandie Frederick

Growing up on the central coast, Kandie is a third generation family in the North County and a second generation family in real estate. Joining Country Real Estate in 2000, and graduating from Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, she brings a background of Agricultural Business to combine with her knowledge of the local real estate market. Working with her family and their decades of local real estate development, she is deeply connected to the roots of our community and its growth.
“This area continues to grow as people discover what a great travel destination it is, and what a great wine region it has become. Eventually, they realize what a great place it is to live and work as well. Adapting to the needs of our clients in a changing environment is always a priority. We remain the longest standing brokerage in a community we are deeply invested in. Our longevity is attributed to our innate ability to understand the North County: its people, its properties, and its culture.” -Kandie

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As a real estate agent, there’s probably one task you hate doing more than any other: prospecting. Whether you’re cold calling, knocking on doors, or talking to strangers at an open house, prospecting is often awkward. However, it’s absolutely necessary if you want to get more leads and grow your business. If your hatred or fear of prospecting is holding you back from being the best agent you can be, don’t worry. Here are three simple tips to help you get over your prospecting anxiety:

1. Have a plan. If you’re afraid of going blank during a cold call, you need to have a set plan. Write a basic outline that covers your opening sentence, what you’ll say, the message you’re trying to convey, and your closing statement. With this plan in place, you’ll be less nervous and likely perform better on the call.

“Prospecting is a numbers game.”

2. Set achievable goals. Part of the reason why prospecting seems like such a daunting task is that you’re never “finished”—you can always make another call. This leads to inconsistent behavior, where you’ll make 20 cold calls one day but won’t reach out to anyone for weeks after. Instead, set easy goals. For example, make it a goal to call five people every day or spend 30 minutes prospecting every morning. Eventually, it will feel like second nature.

3. Don’t be afraid of failure. For many, each unsuccessful cold call feels like a complete failure. However, remember that prospecting is a numbers game—no one secures a lead every time they reach out to a stranger. One short call that doesn’t go anywhere shouldn’t ruin your day. Instead, try to keep a positive attitude and celebrate your successes.

These tips will help you start prospecting like a pro. If you have questions about these suggestions or would like some more prospecting advice, don’t hesitate to call or email me. I am always willing to talk.